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Psychic recovery
Remedy for despair
Elimination of physiological fatigues
Reduce anxiety, obsessions and phobias.
Relief of pain and anxiety
Treatment of arousal, nervous irritability
Attenuation of depression
Calming (recommended by Dr. L’Echevin)
Calming, reduces depression, sadness, trauma by E. Cayce
Stress relief
Remedy for intellectual exhaustion
Increases concentration and decreases depression
Persecution remedy by E. Cayce
Control of turbulent emotions and passions
Physical recovery
Pain relief
Pain and anxiety
Immune system
Cardiovascular system
Digestive system
Respiratory system
Rheumatism remedy
Decreased brain flow
Surgery recovery
Hearing recover
Decreased fatigue
Increased physical vigor and athletic drive
Physical body strengthening
Creating well-being
Inner Peace
Fast energization music
Affective tension but achieving a state of bliss
Induction of images
Euphoria, romance, joy.
Sleep, relaxation
Relaxation, Comfort, tenderness, daydreaming, stimulation.
Neuropsychic toning
Increases concentration and decreases depression
Improving overall health
Remedy boredom
Development of intellectual capacity
Religious classical music
Thinking in space
Improving creativity
Improving concentration
Increase cognitive, emotional, behavioral level
Psychological maturation, warmth, goodwill
Strengthening emotions and mental components
Strengthening spiritual feelings
Improving brain function – OM syllable
Great composers of classical music
Masterpieces of classical music
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Johann Sebastian Bach
Ludwig van Beethoven
Richard Wagner
Joseph Haydn
Johannes Brahms
Franz Schubert
Robert Schumann
Georg Friedrich Handel
Piotr Ilici Tchaikovsky
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Antonin Dvorak
Franz Liszt
Frederic Chopin
Igor Stravinsky
Giuseppe Verdi
Gustav Mahler
Prokofiew S. Sergei
Dmitri Shostakovich
Richard Strauss
Hector Berlioz
Claude Debussy
Giacomo Puccini
Giovanni Pierluigi Palestrina
Anton Bruckner
Georg Philipp Telemann
Camille Saint-Saens
Jean Sibelius
Maurice Ravel
Gioacchino Rossini
Sergey Rachmaninoff
Classical music meditation
Frequency miracle meditation
Nature meditation
Hesychastic meditation
Other meditation
Guided meditation
Modern music meditation
Gregorian music
Jean Michel Jarre
Loreena McKennitt
Hans Zimmer
Relaxation and others
Classical music
Peder B. Helland
Harmonizing the house
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Music therapy Edgar Cayce
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