The musical recommendations on this page are based on the works of the writer Emil Cioran. He was a former Romanian philosopher and writer, who became stateless due to communism and settled in France. From her works we mention: On the heights of despair 1934, she was awarded literary prizes, The Book of Deceptions (1935), Tears and Saints (1937). He published numerous literary works until 1988, especially in French. The music compose by W.A. Mozart or J.S. Bach it’s seems to be the best remedy for despair. For a good listener of classical music is the best therapy music. By overlapping classical music with solfeggio / rife frequencies, some listeners can get some special effects. You can find information about these frequencies on the internet

Tone Generator

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– Iamandescu, I.B. (2011) Receptive music therapy, 2nd edition revised and added, “Andrei Saguna” Foundation Publishing House 2011
– Cioran, A. (2000). Cioran and music, Humanitas, Bucuresti.

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